Furever in our Hearts

Gone but not forgotten...

We have been so blessed to have been able to care for so many fur-babies in need. Some are here for decades, some only come to live out their elder years. All are loved to the fullest! Each holding a special place in out hearts, where they will never be forgotten.


Wulfie was SUPPOSED to be a barn cat! He was surrendered by a local Pemberville family. They found him wandered around their property as a kitten. He came to the barn and was such a lovey dovey little boy! He would not stop following people straight up into the farmhouse! As soon as he learned there were other kittens in the house, that was the last straw! Now he provides cuddles to all the humans, WULFs down your plate of food if you leave it unattended, and torments all the other mineral kitties until they play with him.


Oliver was given as a kitten to me as a gift back in 2008! He is getting to be an old man! As a kitten he was a lap cat that just wanted to be cuddled for hours and hours. That abruptly changed when he went to the vet to get his manhood snipped. Ever since he has been very afraid of humans, extremely shy, and only cozying up to older male cats. A few years ago he suffered a tail injury, that left him with a permanently broken tail and ever more scatter-brained. He is currently best buds with our old man Quinn.

Cindy (Princess Cinderella)

This sassy lady was brought to the horse barn I was babysitting back in 2006! She lived to 17 years and only had 2 teeth left. Her last few months were very hard, but most of her life she lived as spunky, spry, and sweet as a little lap warmer. 

She touched so many hearts, and will always be missed.

There is talk of building a mausoleum for her.

Mica (Muscovite Mica)

Mica  was the sweetest little boy, you could always count on him to warm your lap any time of day. You could also count on him to terrorize Ella, they were inseparable whether Ella liked it or not!


This handsome goat was surrendered with Leo from a Fostoria family who had purchased him as a bottle baby. He was one big puppy dog who likes to follow you around in the yard! 

Sunny (Bobby Joe Brick)

Sunny was a Senior horse I had bought for showing as a teenager. I actually took all my car money I had been saving and on my 16th birthday, I bought Sunny instead of a horse! My parents were NOT happy, but I couldn't have been more full of joy! After a few years of trying to show him, I realized he had too many health issues. I knew no one else would give him the love and special care he needed, so I retired him from showing and had a big puppy dog of a horse. He would seriously follow me around in the yard like a huge dog!  Sadly we lost Sunny in January of 2022, he would have been 27 in April. I was heartbroken, losing my baby I cared for for 16 wonderful years.


Jamie was left behind when I bought The White House. She was so tiny and malnourished that I actually thought she was a kitten. I immediately took her to the vet to see how they could help my little kitten. Sadly, I learned she only weighed 2 pounds and was actually not a kitten at all! She was 2 years old!??! She was so frail, the vet only gave her a week to live. I was able to gain her trust and nurse her to a healthy weight. She lived for 2 more years wonderful years where she eventually trusted humans enough to be a lap cuddler. Her frail little body finally gave out to organ failure.


Lacey was surrendered with Quinn by a family member who is allergic to cats. Lacey was just a kitten that Quinn had taken under his care. He as not happy about it, as she was quite the biter! Lacey would just not leave him alone! He grew to tolerate her and love her all the same.


Hababa was one BIG boy! But he did not start out that way...

Hababa was taken to the Wood County Fair as a meat goat in 2009. His owner loved him so much, they said they have been raising market goats for a long time and never had one with so much personality! I had Sunny at the fair, and it was the last day. Market goats were to be auctioned off the following day, but horses had to go home that last day of fair. Wheels in her brain were clicking.... If we just sneak Hababa in the trailer home with Sunny, then no one will know where the missing goat went!?! 

And that's exactly what we did!! Hababa got to go home with Sunny. He was less than a year old and sooo tiny! I couldn't believe how much taller -and wider- he got! He got put on a diet and strict exercise routine consisting of chasing humans around :)

We lost Hababa in his old age and Sunny was absolutely heartbroken. Sunny would never admit how much he loved this goat, but losing him caused Sunny's health to instantly spiral.

We all loved Hababa <3


He was my favorite rooster! He was so pretty!