

This handsome old man was surrendered by a local Helena family. They took amazing care of him and gave him so much love! But he was getting very lonely after his only horse friend left their barn. They wanted to make sure Ricoh had a happy retirement where he has lots of barn friends. Ricoh is already bossing around Chevy and Ford. His first night at the sanctuary, he convinced the minis to sleep in the pasture instead of the barn. That's where he wanted to sleep!

Colby Jack


This mini was being kept in a shed, locked away because he was too fat to win his shows. I took him in hoping that he and Sunny would nurture each other, as Sunny had just lost his best friend goat of 12 years! Chevy and Sunny were inseparable! Chevy is the sweetest one on the whole farm! He is now best friends with Ford! 


This spunky young man was surrendered by a family friend in Napoleon. He was bought as a foal, and not had much handling. It took almost an hour just to catch him, as he was so scared of humans, he wouldn't let you come anywhere near him! He thankfully was given a clean bill of health from the vet besides his much needed manicure! He had not had his hooves trimmed for over a year. His hooves are finally growing in normally, and his manners are coming along nicely too! He went from not letting humans touch him, to not wanting anything but to touch humans WITH HIS CHOMPERS ...we are working on the nibbling manners...... 


Ginger is as sweet as she is little!!! She was surrendered by a local Bowling Green family. Ginger did a wonderful job showing and breeding cute babies. Unfortunately, her last kidding had very serious complications. She's living her best life and enjoying her retirement here at the sanctuary!


This handsome goat was surrendered from a Fostoria family who had purchased him as a bottle baby. He is one big puppy dog who likes to follow you around in the yard! 


This cutie pie was born in the summer of 2022 to an "accidental breeding" whoopsies! The poor baby and his brother did not latch and had to be bottle-fed. The goat breeder in La Rue grew very attached and wanted to see him go to a good home. Sadly, Leo had just lost his best friend Spike, so it was almost like fate! More tears.. are you ready? Days before I went to pick up the baby goat, his mom Storm passed away. When I asked the La Rue woman what the baby goat's name was, she said let's name him Storm, after his mama!






This old lady was born in 2014, she lived a great life with her previours owners. She outlived all of her barn friends and came to live with the sanctuary in August of 2024. Marbleswirl is named after the ice cream!- as was her family after other ice creams! She has a little limp that makes her walk funny, but that doesn't stop her from getting pets and treats!



Betty Boop, Betty White, and Betty Loaf

Hershey and baby boys

Phlower, Phire, Phara, Phurgy


Cowboy is the best little puppy dog pig!!! He was surrendered by a loving Holland family that are had to move to Arizona for their new job! Cowboy has lived with them in their home since he was just a little piglet, born November 2017. He likes carrots, car rides, and hiking the trails! 

Bub and Chub

These two inseparable piggies were dropped off at a local horse barn, the owner never returning. Their owner apparently raised them from piglets in the Levis Commons apartments until they got too big! These potbelly pigs and very sweet as a result of their upbringing; they love a good pet and will do anything for a treat! Bub on the left is actually the bigger one, not letting Chub on the right live up to Chub's name!

Pig Pig

This sweetheart is actually the first girl we had outside at the farm! (There's lots of ladies IN the farmhouse!) Pig Pig the Kune Kune pig was surrendered from a Weston family. She was digging too many holes in the yard! The father was NOT happy about the holes, the pig had to go or else! She was free roaming their farm after their daughter had raised her from a piglet in--- wait for it-- an apartment building! Since Pig Pig was free to roam the farm, she was also getting attached from animals and has some battle scares to show for it, you can see one here on her poor ear! She has made a full recovery and is adjusting to her safe environment. She is still afraid of any other animals, but LOVES humans. She literally begs for belly rubs and back scratches and has been known to just plop over at your feet asking for them!


Gizmo was surrendered by a local Rudolph family. Surrendered with Stella, they spent their whole lives being loved inside as a household pets since they were baby little piglets in 2019. Now they are enjoying life on the farm! 


This cutie patootie was surrendered by a local Rudolph family. Stella and Gizmo spent their whole lives being loved inside as a household pets since they were baby little piglets in 2019. Now they are enjoying life on the farm! 

Jimmy Dean and Pumba

These little guys were surrendered by a family all the way out by Akron, Ohio! They lived inside their family home since they were only a few weeks old, in April of 2022! 

Scarlet and Grey



She was taken from a hoarding situation in Alabama. There were three litters of puppies?! Thankfully all went to a good home. Nakoma came to mine! She loves helping around on the farm giving kisses to the horses and pigs. She also thinks its her sole mission in life keeping the cats away from Princess Cindy's expensive wet food. After all, if Nakoma can't have any, why should the other cats?? 

House Kitties

The kitty cuddle piles are enormous!!!! Nakoma thinks she is the one who controls the house, but these kitties are are really the ones that rule the house! Four of the kitties are a mother and her 3 children, the other 5 are all from different situations. Some have made some great bonds!-- some aren't so fond of each other... They have a lots of room to roam and claim their our corner of the house kingdom!


Found as a kitten dropped off at the sanctuary's barn. She is Cindy's protégée with so much sass! And was given the much deserved princess name after Cindy. Cindy-ella... Cinder-ella... Get it?!  Mica (left) and Ella (right) were found months apart, wandering into the barn. But they were the same age making for an inseparable kitten bond. Sadly, we lost Mica unexpectedly a couple years later. But at the same time 3 kittens were surrendered with their young mother. Ella didn't develop quite the same bond as she did with Mica. She sure does give those kittens a run for their money though! They chased each other around the house play for weeks! Seriously, weeks! I couldn't sleep! I was wide awake smiling though, knowing that Ella's broken heart was being mended with each pitter patter of their paws at 3am! 

Doom Kitty

Doom was surrendered by a family friend. She was NOT getting along with their animals and kept getting out and roaming the streets of Toledo. She was brought the sanctuary to see if she would like to be a barn cat. After wandering around for awhile she followed me inside and decided that putting up with the other house cats is better than the stinky outdoors!


Quinn was surrendered by a family member who is allergic to cats and Quinn was left behind by the previous owners of the house they bought. He is believed to have been born around 2007, making him quite the old man! He has still maintained his spunk, chasing all the kittens around! He is wonderful at keeping laps warm. At some point in the last year he lost his hearing, making for some very comical surprised cat moments! But somehow he is still very trusting of humans and animals alike.

Shy Kitty

Shy kitty was found in a barn by an Elmore family along with her 3 kittens in the spring of 2022. We already had so many indoor cats, the plan was to keep her and warm until they were all old enough to go back outside as barn cats again..... BUT THEY ARE SO CUTE! All 4 cats are permanently house cats and LOVING it!!

Shy Kitty was given this name by the family who found her, she was really hard to catch! She was extremely scared of EVERYTHNG, but has warmed up to human- on her terms. Now she loves a good head scratch and playing with all her children.

Biotite Mica

Biotite is a daughter of Shy Kitty. The friendliest of the litter, and loves to run around the house causing chaos with her siblings.

Biotite was named after the late Mica, both names are a type of sister minerals :)  


Selenite is the son of Shy Kitty. The second friendliest of the litter, and loves sun bath and show off his beautiful fur! 

Selenite is also named after a mineral.


Quarts is a daughter of Shy Kitty. The scardy-cat of the litter, any strangers are lucky to catch a glimpse of this cute fluff ball! Don't let her shyness fool you though! When she is comfortable with a person, she will be running around the house causing trouble with the rest of the kitten crew!

Quartz is also named after a mineral.




Barn Kitties

We are getting new barn kitties all the time! They have so much space to roam and as mice as they can chase!

Orange Kitty

This cutie orange petuttie was already in the barn when we moved in, in April 2022. It kept its distance until the Spring of '23 when other barn kitties started getting surrendered. Then it decided that humans are awesome and is always up for a good snuggle with any visitors in the barn.

We didn't know if Orange Kitty was going to stick around or not, so we always called her orange kitty. Then we held a name contest, and tried to call her a new name. It was too late! She now comes to the name Orange Kitty!


Moo is the loudest little cow colored sweet kitty!

Mama and kittens

Surrendered from a Toledo family, Mama and her 3 kittens, where already very large and full grown! Each has a slightly different white patch or lack of, you're sure to get them confused when you see them in the barn! 


Jolene is the cutest little girl! So sweet and cuddly! She was born 2023 and surrendered to the sanctuary as a tiny kitty. She now chases around all the other barn cats, pestering them to play with her!


He just showed up

The Bachelor Pad

If you have ever raised chickens or know anyone who has, you know that there are always TOO many roosters in the coup. Did you know that as long as there are no lady birds, the men get along and don't fight---within reason! So many roosters find their way to our sanctuary. Many coming from families in Toledo, where you can have hens, but cannot have roosters in the city limits. Now I said they don't fight within reason, I have found that integrated new roosters into the bachelor coup here, has worked best when they are younger, about 3 months or right when they start crowing. The new men haven't developed as many aggressive habits at this age and they tend to integrate a whole lot smoother! There's been so many surrendered roosters, to the sanctuary I am not sure if even I could keep their names straight anymore?!? One thing is for sure.........

The Bachelor Pad

If you have ever raised chickens or know anyone who has, you know that there are always TOO many roosters in the coup. Did you know that as long as there are no lady birds, the men get along and don't fight---within reason! So many roosters find their way to our sanctuary. Many coming from families in Toledo, where you can have hens, but cannot have roosters in the city limits. Now I said they don't fight within reason, I have found that integrated new roosters into the bachelor coup here, has worked best when they are younger, about 3 months or right when they start crowing. The new men haven't developed as many aggressive habits at this age and they tend to integrate a whole lot smoother! There's been so many surrendered roosters, to the sanctuary I am not sure if even I could keep their names straight anymore?!? One thing is for sure.........


........HONEY RULES THE ROOST!!! He is their leader and they all must do what he says! He will also let any human know that he is the BOSS.


Surrendered by a Toledo family. Can you guess why his name is Mustache??

Cluck Norris

Surrendered by a Toledo family, he has the WEIRDEST crow. I have no clue why, but someone taught this guy to crow ALL wrong!!


Surrendered by a Toledo family

Oreo 1

Surrendered by a Toledo family

Chicken -Green Band

Surrendered by a Toledo family


Surrendered by a Toledo family

Oreo 2

Surrendered by a Toledo family

Oreo 3

Surrendered by a Toledo family

The Bachelor Lake House

The boys have a ball at their private house on the lake! Their bacehlor pad is much more nice and friendly than the rooster's. The waterfowl don't pick fights and jst follow Senior Buddy around.


Buddy the Goose was surrendered by a Perrysburg family. Buddy and his late friend Brutus were given to the family many years ago when the family could no longer care for them. So they don't know exactly how old the geese are, possibly 15 to 20 years old. Unfortunately, Brutus passed just before coming to the sanctuary. Thankfully we were able to find not one but three new buddies for Buddy!

Donald & Duck

Surrendered by a family friend, Donald and Duck are follow Buddy around the yard like a big brother! 

Homie from Detroit

Homie was surrendered by a Toledo student. The student had to give up her turtle because it was not safe for it at her home. She was very sad to say goodbye to Homie, but very glad to know that Ms. B and her animal sanctuary was giving him a safe environment! 


Dragonfly was surrendered to the Toledo school I taught at. I cared for a dozen turtles at this school, and Dragonfly was by far the coolest and my favorite. When I changed schools, I asked if Dragonfly could be surrendered to the sanctuary and spend his school years at my new school. He loves hanging with the kiddos! And was even featured in my current school's advertisement video!